R Lost In Space
By Richard A. Coyle
The show has moments of gravity and pathos, but it mixes these things in with humour and joy. When I was younger, I loved watching shows like BSG: I loved the grittiness and hyper-realism. Lost in Space pays less attention to the details and mechanics of both the setting and the storytelling, and yet it still comes off as 'true-to-life.' The American futuristic Science fiction show ‘Lost in Space’ is all set to renew for a third and final season on Netflix. This re-imaging of the 1965 series of the same name which is based on an 1812 novel ‘The Swiss Family Robinson’, has proven to be a super hit show on the digital platform and has produced two extremely successful seasons already.
The cult favorite 'Lost in Space' got off to a good start in the first year it ran. This was known as the 'black and white' year where the shows were more darker and serious, even 'noirish.' Personally, I was dismayed when the show took a turn toward more colorful (pun intended) story lines the next year by adding (what else?) color and silly plots. My preference is toward a more serious style of science fiction, so the irreverent joke stories pulled down the show in my eyes. Of course, other fans may differ with me on this.
I endured the general public's view ofsci-fi as being 'that silly stuff with carrot people'for what seemed like forever. One benefit of the show was that somany people were exposed to science fiction who may not haveotherwise ventured into a cinema or read a book. Then, possiblydue to the laughs, they found it more enjoyable than expected. Ithelped the show to succeed while seeming to parody itself attimes. And helped opened the door for other Science Fictionshows.
But, enough lamenting, let's take alook at the raygun used in the show. The pistol used in the firstyear of 'Lost in Space' was a mixture of the plausible- and the not very.
For a start it was your basic black -which worked because a darkish weapon looks like it meansbusiness. Next, it had a realistic gun 'look' which, tome, was a seven inch barrel, a trigger guard, hand grips and anice ribbed main body.
But, on the down side, there was ablunderbuss tip, an apple coring ring in gold or bronze justbehind the tip and worst of all, silly sights in the form of agold square window thing with a target post foresight just tworibs away - merely an inch apart; you could not possibly sightwith these. Then, to put a cherry on top, if you looked closelyat the front of the barrel you will find a redundant blade sightjust behind the apple coring ring. Three sights?
The next fact may have foreshadowed the direction to come in the following year. To make this raygun, the propmakers used a Remco toy gun. They made only a few alterations to produce an intelligent weapon for the crew of the Jupiter Two to carry.
This toy was a confused hand gun. Itwas boxie and rectangular like an automatic weapon but had noammo clip, distinguishable slide marked out in the body or evenan ejector port to throw the spent shells (if there were any).
The barrel had a fore stock, givingthis viewer from the States a nostalgic twinge for the old Coltcap and ball pistols of the civil war, or a Walker 45. Toincrease the likeness to a revolver, it even had a small rodunder the barrel on the front of the fore stock like the cylinderpin used in revolvers. It was a hodgepodge of details - butperfect for a futuristic raygun.
Starting with the tip, the blunderbuss tip is stock as it came with the original toy. The propmakers added the apple coring ring to the front. Moving back, we come to an instrument lamp lens and holder. This was added to the top of the gun about 1/8 of an inch behind the part where the barrel joins the main body.
Slightly back on the original toy gunbody were a few nondescript lines. These lines were locatedwhere, on an automatic pistol, a slide action might separate fromthe main frame. And these lines were not a complete demarcation;they did not draw out this parting line, suggested it only. Thesemock slide lines seem to be perfect indicators for a place tomake your cut if you want to add some realistic detailing, makeit look more 'rayguny'. From studying the photos andstills of the show, I believe this is exactly what they did; forthis area is where they added the ribbed rectangle part.
There you have it. Take a toy gun, add a few goodies and you have yourself a raygun powerful enough to bring down a Cyclops.
R Lost In Space
One of the best 'Gun' showswould be 'One of our dogs is missing.' This is the onewere Doctor Smith disassembles all the guns as he cleans them.The 'stunt' props field strip rather nicely, but DoctorSmith can tear down but as useable can not build up again. Willhas to return and reassemble the guns.
R Lost In Space Season
The Toy that became a TV star on Lostin Space.