Cb Signal Generator
.www.kcomm. Here is a video of a B&K Precision CB Signal Generator that was recently picked up at an estate sale.I don't know that much about the unit, but from what I could see, it seems to work ok.I used my Kenwood TS-140S to do the demo. B&K Precision 2040 CB Signal Generator - Cotton Auctions and Appraisals - Port Coquitlam, BC. There are a number of CB specific signal generators you can get on Ebay for good prices. Some names to look for are B&K Precision, Meguro and Logimetrics. Or go for an older used HP/Agilent generator that will cover some ham bands in the future. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for B&k Precision Model 2040 CB Signal Generator at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!
- Bk Precision 2040 Cb Signal Generator
- B&k 2040 Cb Signal Generator For Sale
- B&k 2040 Cb Signal Generator
I have some rigs in my stash
stalker 6
stalker 9
4 x multimode 2
and a concorde
I have an old 50s 60s Sphere rf af signal generator which doesnt work fully i dont think. Well anyway to set it to generate a signal at 27.405 for example would be total guess work.
Bk Precision 2040 Cb Signal Generator
B&k 2040 Cb Signal Generator For Sale
It would require some faffing with a frequency counter and an extremely steady hand.The idea i had involves an old cb.. some solder, gaffer tape, stick back plastic, washing up bottles and what ever else it might take.
So the idea is to use an old cb to set the frequency.
build several fixed tone signal boards which in theory at least only need to be connected to the mike socket and made switchable for on and off. That way you can generate
An unmodulated carrier
a carrier with single tone
a carrier with dual tone
I guess we would then need to remove the need to transmit a signal of power ie 8 watts?
Directly connection between antenna sockets and create a regulated output voltage of between .1v and what maybe 2v ?
So anyone have any ideas on where to start and how to progress?
am only or am fm ssb Cw
output voltage
Worth the bother?
Better ideas?